Training Services Offered

Expert-Led Training in Various Disciplines


  • To be the best trainers in its category and best possible training methods.
  • Introducing highly qualified team with modern deliverables.
  • Touch all corners of its industry.
  • Specialized in Airline services and culinary standards.
  • Masters in delivering professional and liable students or staff.
  • Search the need and attend to necessary areas only.
  • Super intelligent master plans with practical deliverables.
  • Offer world recognized certifications.



Award Winning

Our team includes most qualified personals in its industry and have achieved its highest awards and medals in each fields.



We evaluate your needs and deliver accordingly - Our training team consists of industry professionals with global experiences .


Best Service Program

Our team capable of designing the very best required service and training program according to your needs as we speak your language!

For our expertise

We specialize in providing expert-led training in a variety of industries. Our training covers the following areas:

  1. Etiquette: Learn the art of social etiquette for various occasions. 
  2. Home Cooking: Enhance your culinary skills in the comfort of your own kitchen. 
  3. Table Setting: Master the art of setting the perfect table for any dining event. 
  4. Table Manners: Discover the importance of proper table etiquette and manners. 
  5. Food Set-Up for Dining: Learn how to beautifully present food for formal and informal dining. 
  6. Pre-Interview Training: Prepare for success with our specialized interview training program. 
  7. Culinary Masterclasses: Join masterclasses conducted by international culinary professionals. 
  8. Cooking for Family and Friends: Impress your loved ones with delicious home-cooked meals. 
  9. Drink Serving: Perfect the art of serving beverages for any occasion. 
  10. Food and Drink Pairing: Discover the art of pairing food and drinks for delightful dining experiences. 
  11. Travel Talk: Explore the world with our international travel insights. 
  12. International Travel and Interview Training: Gain essential training for successful international travel and interviews. 

Our training programs are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in various aspects of life. Whether you're a cooking enthusiast, a professional seeking interview preparation, or someone interested in enhancing their social skills, we have the perfect training solution for you."

Our Target Customers

Our training programs cater to a diverse range of individuals, including:

  1. Culinary Professionals: Enhance your culinary expertise and take your skills to the next level with our specialized training. 
  2. Young Chefs or Restaurant Managers: Develop the leadership and culinary skills necessary for success in the fast-paced restaurant industry. 
  3. Individuals who Love to Entertain Family and Friends at Home: Elevate your hosting skills and culinary prowess to create memorable dining experiences. 
  4. Young Professionals Planning a New or First Career in the Working World: Prepare for career success with our tailored training programs designed to equip you with the essential skills for the professional world. 
  5. University Final Year Students: Gain valuable skills and insights that will set you apart as you embark on your professional journey post-graduation. 
  6. Aspiring Models, Cabin Crew, Receptionists, Sales, and Entertainment Enthusiasts: Develop essential social and hospitality skills to thrive in your respective fields. 
  7. Companies Seeking Cooking Demos for New Product Launches: Enrich your product launches with captivating cooking demonstrations that add a unique sensory experience for your audience. 
  8. TV Culinary Shows and Sponsors: Partner with us to add value to your culinary shows and sponsorships, leveraging our expertise to elevate your brand and content. 

No matter your professional or personal aspirations, our training programs are designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in your chosen path."

Training, Charging & Plans


please contact us to discuss your requirements. +61 411 883 319 (WhatsApp or Viber) or